The Deva Path had Konan and the remaining Paths evacuate while it used a large-scale Shinra Tensei to destroy the village and teach Tsunade "true pain." In a brief moment between when the destruction began and when it was completed, Tsunade had the remaining Katsuyu copies shield the hospital. When the Human Path captured Shizune, Pain was able to discover where Naruto was. The Deva Path located and spoke with Tsunade, but became irritated by her words. The Preta Path found and disposed of the body (and its chakra receivers) that Jiraiya had captured. The Animal Path assaulted the location where Jiraiya's prisoner was being held and tried to eliminate everyone at the location. The Animal and Preta Paths then switched objectives. While Chōji informed Tsunade of what they had learned, Kakashi died from chakra loss from using the Mangekyō Sharingan to protect Chōji from Asura Path's missile.Īcross the village, Konan and Pain's remaining bodies began attracting the attention of Konoha's defenders. He had Chōji Akimichi, who he had fought beside, take knowledge of the Deva Path's abilities to Tsunade while he bought time. Although Kakashi was able to defeat the Asura Path, he could not defeat the Deva Path as well. The Asura Path came to the Deva Path's defence. Kakashi Hatake, recognising Pain's plan, engaged the Deva Path in battle. Tsunade then had Katsuyu divide, seek out, and adhere to every villager so that she could tend to the entire village remotely. From the roof of the Hokage Residence, Tsunade summoned Katsuyu. Danzō, having other plans, killed Kōsuke to keep Naruto from returning. Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, instructed Kōsuke to call back Naruto. Sakura Haruno provided defence for the hospital and healed what injuries she could. The ordinary citizens and those that had been injured in the initial wave fled to the Konoha hospital.

Once it became apparent that there was more than one attacker, the village switched tactics, focusing in on the diversionary Paths. In the initial phase of the attack, Konoha mobilised its forces, expecting only one intruder. Konan and the Deva Path used the threat of death to find out what they wanted. The Naraka Path asked those he encountered what they knew and then used its abilities to see who was lying. The Human Path read the villagers' minds. Konan, the Deva Path, the Human Path, and the Naraka Path dedicated their efforts to finding Naruto. The Preta Path engaged whatever forces it came upon. The Asura Path used its many weapons to wreak havoc and destroy several buildings of the village. The Animal Path summoned a variety of creatures to draw Konoha's attention. The Animal Path, the Asura Path, and the Preta Path acted as diversions. After infiltrating the village, the Animal Path summoned Konan and Pain's other five bodies to its location, where they dispersed. As the village was surrounded by a detection barrier, Pain's Animal Path was sent in to the village alone to fool the Barrier Team, leading Konoha to believe there was only one invader. Pain and his partner Konan arrived on the outskirts of Konoha and eliminated all of the village's scouts. Kōsuke was left in Konoha to send word to Naruto when Pain eventually arrived. He went to Mount Myōboku, the home of the toads, to learn senjutsu for his inevitable encounter with Pain. Naruto, knowing that Pain would be coming for him, decided to make use of the time Jiraiya had bought for him. Team Guy, Hiashi and Hanabi were away when the attack began. However, Konoha still took part in its ninja mission business. The defensive measures that had been erected since the last time the village was attacked were presumably built upon. While some of Konoha's forces dedicated their time to deciphering what Jiraiya had left to them, the rest of the villagers prepared for Pain's arrival. With the information gathered from Fukasaku, the body Jiraiya had defeated, a prisoner he had captured, and a coded message he had made before his death etched on the back of Fukasaku, Konoha had ample sources of information concerning Pain. During the battle with Jiraiya, Fukasaku managed to escape the battle with knowledge about Pain. Although he was able to kill Jiraiya, Pain had permanently lost one of his six bodies and had to find a replacement before he could move on to Konoha. When Jiraiya infiltrated his village, Amegakure, Pain was forced to deal with him before he could go after Naruto. Pain had been instructed by his benefactor, Tobi, to capture Naruto.